Boost AI Search & Filter (aka PFS)

Version 0

  • Find the file bc-sf-filter.js

  • Find the var bcSfFilterTemplate variable.

  • Add {{discountNinjaDataTags}} where the data tags should be placed

  • And add the collection badge class where the collection badge should be displayed

  • And <span class="la-dn-price">…</span> around the price section (if present), typically {{itemPrice}}

  • Add this function before the BCSfFilter.prototype.buildProductGridItem function.

    • IMPORTANT: prices will be multiplied by 100

    • Avoid this by making the following change in the function: change var pricesAreCents = false; to var pricesAreCents = true;

  • Before the end of each of the BCSfFilter.prototype.buildProductGridItem function, add the following code:

//Discount Ninja integration       
itemHtml = itemHtml.replace(/{{discountNinjaDataTags}}/g, buildDiscountNinjaDataTags(data));

Version 1

HTML Template

See V2


  • Find the file boost-pfs-filter.js

  • Find the var boostPFSTemplate variable.

  • Add {{discountNinjaDataTags}} where the data tags should be placed

  • And add the collection badge class where the collection badge should be displayed

  • And <span class="la-dn-price">…</span> around the price section (if present), typically {{itemPrice}}

  • Add this function before the compileTemplate functions.

  • Before the end of each of the compileTemplate functions for the gridView (ProductListItem.prototype.compileTemplate) and the listView (ProductGridItem.prototype.compileTemplate), add the following code:

//Discount Ninja integration       
itemHtml = itemHtml.replace(/{{discountNinjaDataTags}}/g, buildDiscountNinjaDataTags(data));

Version 2

HTML Template

  • Find the file boost-pfs-filter-html.liquid

  • Find the productGridItemHtml and productListItemHtml sections

  • Add {{discountNinjaDataTags}} where the data tags should be placed

  • And add the collection badge class where the collection badge should be displayed

  • And <span class="la-dn-price">…</span> around the price section (if present), typically {{itemPrice}}


  • Find the file boost-pfs-filter.js

  • Add this function before the compileTemplate functions. (under “BUILD PRODUCT LIST”)

  • Before the end of each of the compileTemplate functions for the gridView (ProductListItem.prototype.compileTemplate) and the listView (ProductGridItem.prototype.compileTemplate), add the following code:

//Discount Ninja integration       
itemHtml = itemHtml.replace(/{{discountNinjaDataTags}}/g, buildDiscountNinjaDataTags(data));
  • Find the end of the Filter.prototype.afterRender function

  • Add the following code:

//Discount Ninja integration 
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('la:dn:collection:productsadded'));


  • Find the product.boost-pfs-quickview.liquid file

  • Add the following to the div with class boost-pfs-quickview-right product-details:

data-la-dn-product-handle="{{ product.handle }}" data-la-dn-product-quickview
  • Add the following to the div with class boost-pfs-quickview-price

limoniapps-discountninja-productprice limoniapps-discountninja-productprice-dynamic

Search suggestions

Currently not supported. No template in Liquid files.

Version 3

With Version 3 the app doesn’t add any assets to the theme so we’ll have to use the CSS selectors approach.

  • Go to Discount ninja > Settings > Dynamic pricing > Theme Configuration and enable Mix mode:

  • It’ll unlock the second tab ‘ Live Theme ‘, go to this tab and enable ‘Custom’ option for Collection pages

  • Now go to Collection page and enable ‘Custom CSS selector’ and add the following classes:

    • Price (desktop) : [[WRAP]].boost-sd__product-price-wrapper, .boost-sd__suggestion-queries-item-price

    • Card: .boost-sd__product-item, .boost-sd__suggestion-queries-item

    • Handle: [[HANDLE:href]]a.boost-sd__product-link

BuildDataTags function

//Discount Ninja integration
function buildDiscountNinjaDataTags(data) {
    function buildTags(tags) {
      try {
        if (typeof tags === 'undefined' || tags === null) return '';
        if (typeof tags === 'string') {
            return tags ? tags.replace(/"/g, "&quot;") : '';
        else if (Array.isArray(tags)) {
            return tags.join(',').replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
        else {
            console.error('Boost PFS buildTags failed, unexpected data type of tags', e);
            return '';
      catch(e) {
          console.error('Boost PFS buildTags failed', e);
          return '';
    try {
        var pricesAreCents = false;
        var pricesMultiplicator = pricesAreCents ? 1 : 100;    
        var discountNinjaItemHandle = data.handle;
        var discountNinjaItemCollectionHandles = '';
        var discountNinjaItemCollectionIds = '';
        if (data.collections && data.collections.length > 0) {
          for (var i = 0; i < data.collections.length; i++) {
              discountNinjaItemCollectionHandles += data.collections[i].handle + ","; 
              discountNinjaItemCollectionIds += data.collections[i].id + ","; 
        var discountNinjaItemAvailable = data.available;
        var firstAvailableVariant = null;
        for (var i = 0; i < data.variants.length; i++) {
            var variant = data.variants[i];
            if (variant.available) {
               firstAvailableVariant = variant;
        if (firstAvailableVariant === null) firstAvailableVariant = data.variants[0];
        var discountNinjaItemPrice = firstAvailableVariant && firstAvailableVariant.price > 0 ? firstAvailableVariant.price * pricesMultiplicator : 0;
        var discountNinjaItemCompareAtPrice = firstAvailableVariant && firstAvailableVariant.compare_at_price > 0 ? firstAvailableVariant.compare_at_price * pricesMultiplicator : 0;
        var discountNinjaItemPriceVaries = data.price_min != data.price_max;
        var discountNinjaItemPriceMin = data.price_min ? data.price_min * pricesMultiplicator : 0;
        var discountNinjaItemTags = buildTags(data.tags);
        return 'data-limoniapps-discountninja-product-handle="' + discountNinjaItemHandle + '" data-limoniapps-discountninja-product-collections="' + discountNinjaItemCollectionHandles + '" data-limoniapps-discountninja-product-collectionids="' + discountNinjaItemCollectionIds + '" data-limoniapps-discountninja-product-available="' + discountNinjaItemAvailable + '" data-limoniapps-discountninja-product-price="' + discountNinjaItemPrice + '" data-limoniapps-discountninja-product-compareatprice="' + discountNinjaItemCompareAtPrice + '" data-limoniapps-discountninja-product-pricevaries="' + discountNinjaItemPriceVaries + '" data-limoniapps-discountninja-product-pricemin="' + discountNinjaItemPriceMin + '" data-limoniapps-discountninja-product-tags="' + discountNinjaItemTags + '"';
    catch(e) {
    	console.error('Boost PFS buildDiscountNinjaDataTags failed', e);
        return '';

Last updated