Product Banner

The product banner is displayed on the product page and adds an optional message used to highlight the offer, explain its rules and increase the chance the user adds the product to the cart.

This widget is currently available for V6 Beta customers only


App Embed

This widget is included in the "Discount Ninja" App Embed.


A placeholder for the banner must be added to the template(s) of the product page(s) where the banner should be displayed. This can be achieved in one of the following ways:

  • OS 2.0 Using Shopify's theme editor, add the "Discount Ninja Product Banner" App Block to the section on the product page template(s) where you want banners to be displayed

  • If your theme does not support App Blocks on the product page template, add the following snippet to your product page instead:

<la-dn-product-banner-placeholder product-handle="{{ product.handle }}">


Check out this article to learn more about how the style of this widget can be changed.

Last updated

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